Is The Sexual Enjoyment of BDSM Insane?

Is BDSM Insane?

The DSM-IV says that BDSM is a “paraphilia.” This means that it is a recurring sexual activity or behavior that can be present for months. However, the American Psychiatric Association recently mentioned in time for the fifth edition of the manual that people who have unusual sexual interests are not necessarily people who have mental disorders. Still, this new edition still treats BDSM as an unusual behavior.


The thing is that the specifics associated with what does constitute a mental disorder are extremely vague. It’s hard to figure out what either the DSM-IV or DSM-V has to say when it comes to sexual behaviors because the words that are used to describe them are incredibly vague.


The DSM-V particularly says that BDSM is an “atypical” behavior. What this means is that BDSM is something that is not common among all people and is extremely different from the norm. While it’s true that BDSM is not for everyone, it’s still being listed as something that might be suspicious to some. In short, there is still work to be done to prove to people that BDSM is nothing unusual or weird but the newest edition of the DSM has at least helped to create a sense of progress.

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